Current Exhibits

Texas Titans
Walk beneath the 33-foot wingspan of a pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus northropi, the largest flying creature to ever live, and meet our new tyrannosaur!

Texas Transformation Gallery
Experience Texas’ shifting environmental identity over 600 million years of life through stunning imagery, newly exhibited fossils and a paleogeographic time-lapse animation.

Paleontology Gallery
Discover spectacular fossils of plants and animals that once inhabited the lands and waters of Texas.

Big Eye on Dark Skies: The Hobby-Eberly Telescope
Discover how astronomers explore the wonders of the universe in a new exhibit featuring a scale model of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), the largest optical telescope in North America.

Texas Wildlife Gallery
Explore the museum’s legacy Texas Wildlife dioramas featuring the diverse animals and ecoregions of Texas.

Particles of Color
Explore the science and creativity behind new eco-friendly sequins developed by UT Austin faculty and students in an innovative special exhibition.

Geology Gallery
See treasures from the geological collections, including meteorites, tektites and invertebrate fossils.
Future Exhibits

Discovery Center (opening March 2025)
Get up close and personal with real fossils and engage in scientific thinking in a hands-on educational learning space!